Medical Device - Transfer Pricing - Farming - Carried Interests


Medical Device

We valued a medical device company in bankruptcy. The company owns leading technology that will be submitted for FDA approval. Our valuation was used to assist the bankruptcy court in confirming the reorganization plan as a going concern business.

Transfer Pricing

We assisted a Rio de Janiero based company to determine the value of services provided to its US based subsidiary. Our economic analysis supported a range for these transfer payments, to comply with IRC 482.


We completed a valuation of numerous family limited partnerships that owned farming operations. The engagement included appraising the underlying real estate, wells, crops, and structures. In addition, we determined the appropriate discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability. Our valuations were used for partnership reallocations and estate tax gifting purposes.

Carried Interests

We completed a valuation of the carried interest owned by general partners of a private equity fund. The valuation required the use of scenario analysis to capture the varying possibilities for the rate of return on the invested capital. In addition, it required an analysis of the "waterfall" of funds paid out of the fund, to allocate interests for each partner.
