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Bert Jones

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Bert Jones


Consultative Role

As litigation consultant specializing in inventory, machinery and equipment appraisal, providing attorneys with relevant facts; formulating initial case strategy from a valuation perspective; and preparing for trial. Involvement has included providing preliminary assessment of the value aspects of each side of the case.

Witness Preparation

Suggest formulating of deposition questions; develop interrogatory (and surrebuttal) responses and trial stipulations; and, consult with counsel before and during the taking or giving of depositions.

Developing Testimony

Assist at trial in developing cross examination and rebuttal (and surrebuttal) testimony. During presentation of the opponent's case, alert counsel to pertinent appraisal factors not mentioned by the opponent's experts, or to any ambiguous or misleading testimony, or to the misuse of the technical vocabulary.

Technical Analysis

  • Early Participation: Early participation in lawsuits has been effective in avoiding mis-focused document discovery efforts, inconclusive deposition questioning and shortcomings in formulating initial case strategy in appraisal and related areas.
  • Damage Calculations: Expertise in appraisal and understanding of equipment, machinery and inventory can facilitate counsel's efforts in developing and documenting damage calculations, or the lack thereof. Approach focuses on identifying all costs associated with the allegations of the lawsuit.
  • Expert Testimony: Presented expert testimony in depositions, and before a variety of courts and administrative boards, to assist the trier of fact in resolving technical appraisal issues, generally with the assessment of damages.

Type of Court Cases

Provided testimony in divorce property settlements, property rights and easements, lawsuits involving real estate boundaries and leases, criminal arson cases, bankruptcy, repossession, property tax, allocation of purchase price, residual value, leased assets, state condemnation, eminent domain, and IRS negotiations.

Example of Cases

  • Bank: Values of equipment as loan and lease collateral. Lender obtained deficiency judgment via California Commercial Code 9504.
  • Finance Company: Testified in County tax hearing. Successful in reducing inventory tax on equipment repossessed by lender. Argued that assessor’s depreciation formula was not applicable.
  • Medical Clinical Chain: Values used to recoup settlement from vendors supplying medical equipment. Discovered that invoices were inflated in price or equipment was inferior to that invoiced.
  • Cable Television: Assisted company by valuing equipment to sell to competitors and avoid lease default. Also valued the leases for the lender.