
Always. However, the referring public does not always concur.

During the Great Recession (2008-2017), we were referred into numerous prospective valuations opportunities, along with a cadre of lower tier firms. Too often the result was that the prospect selected the lowest bidder. When we either talked by phone or in person, our odds increased substantially. The most interesting aspect of these "bidding wars" is that, for the most part, the lawyer handling the case was not lower tier. Why did he not scrub the appraisal landscape for expertise first and foremost? Probably he believed that his "appraisers" were well-qualified.

The landscape has changed for the better since 2014. Even though many accountants have added valuation practices, they tend to accept only assignments that are simpler in nature, and less subject to third party scrutiny.

We continue to provide solutions for the mundane and complex engagements. Our practice encompasses at least the following more unique situations, where experience and expertise count the most.

  1. Fairness opinions for reorganizations.
  2. Numerous levels of preferred and common shares, and attached warrants and options, are part of the capital structure.
  3. Personal goodwill for sellers.
  4. Highly levered transactions.
  5. Allocation of purchase price, including earnouts and many types of IP.
  6. Brand and trademark litigation.
  7. Right of publicity.
  8. Film and music libraries.
  9. Income producing real estate.
  10. IRS controversy cases.